Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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sketched a broad outline of the portrait of His Promise. From Genesis 12-50, He dabbled meaningless paint on the fabric. He sketched a few rich but incoherent details about His Promise’s nature, His family, His work, and His destiny. At the end of Genesis, the Seed of 3:15, however, would still be unrecognizable, but all those marks on that canvas would eventually be splotches of paint that were needed for the whole picture to be complete. One day you would see an altogether lovely picture of His Promise. It would be so clear that it looked like a color digital photograph of His face and His life, so clear that you would wonder how anyone could not see Him in all His glory. Each touch of paint would tell you something about Him, but none of them by themselves meant much.
In spite of all the devil’s display of power and attempts at eradication of the Promise, this man,
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