Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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in their watery graves below. God simply cleared the board and started again, but this time His King was the only figure standing on the playing surface. As the Lord said, ” I will…“
When the Flood ended, Noah and his family emerged from the great ship. They burnt offerings to God to thank Him for His mercy and grace and preservation. It was then that God made another covenant promise, or the Covenant with Noah. Staring the devil straight in the eyes with a smile, God said, “I now establish my covenant with you (Noah) and your descendants after you.” (Genesis 9:9) This is the second covenant promise in the Covenant of Redemption.
It is important to note here that this is NOT a new covenant. None of the major covenants in the Covenant of Redemption are new. Each of the covenants contains new information, but none of them REPLACE any other
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