Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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mandates given to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28, 29 are repeated to Noah (Genesis 9:1-3).
Then God added a new feature to this covenant – a death penalty clause. This was to check the unlimited violence of man against man and against His Promise in the previous world. Man’s life was protected because he was made in the image of God.
The best part about this covenant is that God pasted a banner – a rainbow – across the heavens that would occasionally go up from then to the end of time whenever it rained. That sign was a promise somewhere on the earth everyday that the world would never again be destroyed by water, even though every inclination of man’s heart is evil from childhood (Genesis 9:11-15; 8:21). It was a back door vow, an oath, that the Redeemer would indeed stamp on the serpent’s head unimpeded by any further world judgments like the
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