Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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last one by water. Nothing in the future would ever stop God again from directly fulfilling His guarantee to crush Satan’s head. The promise was marching inexorably toward fulfillment. Regardless of man’s wicked nature henceforth, there weren’t going to be any more detours. The present world order would not be interrupted again. Remember that along with this sign written across the sky reminding and nagging Satan that the clock was running and his doom was sure, the Lord had fastened a nice set of handcuffs on him to add a bit of restraint to his murderous frenzy.
On the other hand, the devil could have taken comfort in the fact that even though his previous game was automatically forfeited, nevertheless, he now had a handle on the situation. He stood face to face with the Promise in one of those three sons. The millions of pre-flood options and their hiding places
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