Playing Chess With the Devil: Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 6-11. The Covenant With Noah and Babel. Lesson 6
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were now gone. So what if the game was tied at zero again? What difference did it make if the devil had a couple of fouls to start the second half? Things weren’t so bad. He had done well.
The devil focused his attention on the three sons of Noah. Regardless of the fact that it was a new game, nothing had really changed in the nature of man since the Fall in the garden. The corruption resident in the sons of Adam from the Fall always gave birth to vileness when the fertilizer of fleshly temptation was spread upon it. So when the righteous man Noah in a weak moment lost his self-control through intoxication and lay naked in his tent, the sinful nature inherent in his family took its predictable course. We don’t know the exact nature of what happened in Genesis 9:22 when his son, Ham, entered his father’s tent, but something abominable took place as is stated in 9:24.
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