Please help!! Panasonic PV-GS320 MiniDV Owners/Experts?
Question by Booonee: Please help!! Panasonic PV-GS320 MiniDV Owners/Experts?
I’ve been searching for a digital camcorder to make home movies and so far I am considering purchasing the Panasonic PV-GS320 camcorder. The only thing I’m not sure about is that I read a review that said that this camcorder isn’t compatible with Vista. And I use Vista. Is the review talking about the camcorder software or is it saying the camcorder and/or must the camcorder work with the provided software!!
Best answer:
Answer by iridflare
Vista has had problems with firewire, but that’s an issue with the PC’s firewire card, not the camcorder. If you have a working firewire card in your PC you should be OK to transfer the video – you can use Windows Movie Maker or buy a better editor. There may be problems transferring stills if the Panasonic app isn’t compatible with Vista.
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