Points to Consider Regarding Breaking Into the Movies
Points to Consider Regarding Breaking Into the Movies
Were the average man suddenly called upon to assemble all the women in his town who looked like Mary Pickford, he might find himself at a loss as to how to commence. In fact, he might even doubt that there were sufficient persons answering this description to warrant such a campaign. We know a way to get them all together on twenty- four hours’ notice. Just insert a small advertisement in the local newspaper, reading: “Wanted for the movies a girl who looks like Mary Pickford apply at such-and-such a studio tomorrow morning.”
We guarantee that not only will every woman who looks like Mary Pickford be on the spot at sunrise, but that a large preponderance of the entire female population will drop in during the morning. For it is a puzzling but indisputable fact that everybody wants to break into the movies. The curious part of it all is that