Pokemon Revolt Verison ( Video 3 )
*******I do not own pokemon! once game is done credit will be given to owners******* Creating fanbased game of pokemon, not selling or giving out for resale! In no way profiting in this making and all credit will be given to indivual owners! This Video is the 3rd issues so far! i didnt make the pokedexs go away becuase it later glitchs and i didnt put music when team rocket entered becuase i do not have that theme if you have it i would greatly love to have it. And the pokemon centers are still being worked on remmmmmmmmmmmmmmber i need ideas! still in the works …. i need ideas for plot and places reflecting anime manga or games. Using rpg maker vx! I ineed the battle script and menu/bag any help would be very helpful!!! Email ideas to fallenrevolt@gmail.com thank you!
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