Portal 2 Playthrough – Part 10
If you liked this video, please give it a ‘like’! Subscribe and check out my other videos, too! Give me ideas for playthroughs/gameplays! I’m always taking them! Watch the rest of this playthrough! www.youtube.com Another LIVE playthrough of a puzzle game involving making portals on walls (and ceilings and floors)! No, I’m not re-doing Portal, it’s Portal 2! One of my most-requested playthroughs is here and this time it’s going to be a lot longer and a lot tougher than the first one! There’s new characters, new voices, new faces (amazingly) and of course, new test chambers! Follow me through one and out the other! Portal 2 is here! FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com CHAT WITH ME ON IRC: client02.chat.mibbit.com ASK ANTOSHIO: ask-antoshio.tumblr.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

If you liked this video, please give it a ‘like’! Subscribe and check out my other videos, too! Give me ideas for playthroughs/gameplays! I’m always taking them! Watch the rest of this playthrough! www.youtube.com Another LIVE playthrough of a puzzle game involving making portals on walls (and ceilings and floors)! No, I’m not re-doing Portal, it’s Portal 2! One of my most-requested playthroughs is here and this time it’s going to be a lot longer and a lot tougher than the first one! There’s new characters, new voices, new faces (amazingly) and of course, new test chambers! Follow me through one and out the other! Portal 2 is here! FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com CHAT WITH ME ON IRC: client02.chat.mibbit.com ASK ANTOSHIO: ask-antoshio.tumblr.com