Presentation Skills – Learn from the Best Presentation skills as Andy Harrington gives free training by teaching what he does while speaking to 6000 people at London’s 02 Arena Nobody can avoid the mastery of presentation skills if they want to be considered a true authority in their chosen field. Simply because you cannot master that industry unless you can lead and educate a group of people. But within the remit of ‘presentation skills’ there is a vital sub set of skills that you must master and thats what this video is about. It is my strongly held opinion that your openness and vulnerability as a human and a speaker is also your greatest asset. When nervous or stressed about speaking many people put on a speakers ‘persona’ and then become two different people dependent upon whether they are speaking in public or not. This incongruency can be seen or felt by the audience. What sets the really best speakers as different from the others is congruence and absolute certainty. If this is the most important feature of the best presentation skills here are the most important skills that make this complete. – Eye Contact What happens when most people make a presentation to a live group they start by scanning the entire room or audience with their eyes usually with quick-fire rates of speaking… normally driven by the adrenalin of the associated presentation skills needed when speaking to a group. But this ‘widescreen’ rapid scanning of the audience is a only likely to disappoint and alienate your
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