PROJECT Middleground (Reach Machinima)

“In a new kind of story fully exploiting the Forge Mode of Halo Reach, Black Plasma Studios brings you an epic action-drama film following a man and his experiences of a new world called Middleground, a place where you can make anything from imagination by transporting one’s self there in a man-made dream-like state. Middleground is used to help negotiate peace between enemies and to further science in ways impossible to do elsewhere. Plagued by odd dreams of Middleground, one of its discoverers seeks to find out the cause behind them and finds out that humanity weren’t the only ones to come across this wonderous world. PROJECT Middleground is a new breed of machinima never quite seen before. It’s one of those movies worth watching just for the experience. Not only will it leave you amazed, it’ll leave you wanting more in this almost hour-long epic adventure! Written by: Arbiter 617 & G8TORBAIT210. Starring: Edward James, Kyler45, Jon Michael Villagomez, Alejandro Saab, Kirk123, Arbiter 617 & Ghost Omel. Music by: Bryson Baxter & Arbiter 617. Directed by: Arbiter 617.” -Fairfieldfencer A total of 690 HD recordings worth a total of 29.8GB of filespace, and a runtime length of 261:12:53. That’s over four hours. Anywho, hope you liked it. This is the last sci-fi crazy story I’m making for awhile. Starting on Rise of the Spartans next, which I think will be much more enjoyable. =====MUSIC CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM THESE TWO ARTISTS=====
Video Rating: 4 / 5