Q&A: A class I’m taking required gender role reversals…help needed?
Question by Michelle Annette: A class I’m taking required gender role reversals…help needed?
I’m taking a class where the teacher is requiring us to write a paper on gender role reversals. We have to do a role that a person of the opposite gender would normally do. I have to assume the role of the male….what do I mean?
Well here are some examples the teacher provided to the class:
One guy had a girl teach him to put on make up and once he learned he tired putting it on himself and fully understood by girls take forever getting ready. Then a girl worked on her car that she was having trouble and got the parts to fix it up along with a manual to fixing cars.
Another girl asked a guy out, picked him up, opened his door, paid for dinner and a movie, and then brought him back home.
So what are some things I can do?
Best answer:
Answer by igorotboy
Try playing some “guy” sports like football or wrestling.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!