Q&A: am i making the right decision? help?
Question by wendylalah: am i making the right decision? help?
i am 16 dating a guy who is 7 years older than me but i didnt really care until i started lying to my parents about me going out at night and he picks me up a few streets away from my house and go back to his house and do it. or takes me out at nighttime watch some movies or eat but never at daytime cus i have school. and i feel really bad lying and lying to my parents because i know how much they trust me. shoul di just break up with him? last night i went to watch movie with him and went to his house he promised me hed take me home but i ended up waking 8 in the morning andas soon as i got home i nearly got kicked out my house.. help i dont know what to do i know what were doin is wrong but i dont know how to explain all of this to him =( all ic an think of is just to end it with him. but he treats me realy good but i really think its all wrong..
we are official. but things are always like this and i dont want him to intro to my parents but i met his parents … should i still end it?
im talking to him on the phone at the moment. trying to break up with him. hes crying i can feel how much he loves me =( its so hardd.
Best answer:
Answer by ronbo
first he is a child molester buy law, he can go to jail.second he doesnt love you , he just want sex. cut the sex off for 6 month and see if he stays with you. if he dumps you then it was the sex he wanted not you.
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