Q&A: Any good FREE video editing softwares to download online ?
Question by Punkie The Great: Any good FREE video editing softwares to download online ?
so, I normally use windows movie maker, to edit my footage, (because I’m jobless and I can’t afford to BUY a software) but I notice more and more, that I need better effects to add into the videos. I’m attempting to get partnered on youtube, so I can earn a little bit of money, as I continue to look for a job, but in order for that to happen, I need good video editors. So if anyone has ANY good video editing soft wares THAT ARE FREE to download and HAVE NO VIRUSES, please just add them below, and it would really help me a lot.
my new youtube is:
http://www.youtube.com/PunkieTheGreat you can send me a friend request, or sub me, to see awesome new videos if you’d like, also. (: I promise you’ll be entertained ! I make romance, comedy, horror, and other random videos, for the heck of it. I’ll soon start college and major in video production, so this small step of video editing soft ware, will help me A LOT ! Thanks everyone, and have a good day ^^
Best answer:
Answer by brisray
Windows Movie Maker is pretty good good and probably the most underrated video editor ever produced by anyone.
It’s probably more capable than even its designers thought it was – http://www.windowsmoviemakers.net/Tutorials/ and http://papajohn.org/ and http://www.rehanfx.org/
There aren’t that many free video editors, but here’s the one’s I know about…
Wax – http://www.debugmode.com/wax/
Zwei-Stein – http://www.thugsatbay.com/tab/?q=zweistein – it’s good but their interface is simply awful
Cinefx – http://www.cinefx.org/
TrakAxPC – http://www.trakax.com/software/pc/download/
VideoSpin – http://www.videospin.com/
VideoPad – the free version – http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html – I like this one
Lightworks – http://www.lightworksbeta.com/- this looks good but I haven’t tried it yet.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!