Q&A: Any ideas on making a creative game for my theatre class?
Question by Malia: Any ideas on making a creative game for my theatre class?
It has to be a participation game, as in no board games, etc.
A participation game is something like heads up seven up,
or charades. The idea is “Guess the Movie!” and I was thinking
along the lines of acting out the movie so that class can guess
what it is. We have to make an instruction manual, so it can’t
be that simple. Also, I don’t want to copy charades, so how
can I make a guessing game for movies? Your creativity is
definitely considered! 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by lauren m
This is one we played in my theatre class.
Six students were picked. Three left the room and three stayed in. The three who stayed in put obstacles in the middle of the room (chairs, tables, back packs, etc…) then the threein the hall came into the room keeping their eyes closed the entire time. Each seeing student chose a student from the hallway to be their guide. They stood on the opposite side of the room and went in order to give their blind opposite directions to the other side. They were only allowed to give one set of directions at a time (ex walk two steps, take one small leap…) The first to the other side won but if the touched any obstacle or another student they were out.
It was a fun game and the children had to give out creative directions some times in order to lead their followers.
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