Q&A: Can I make this Design? (Copywrite issues on Quotes)?
Question by Taylor R: Can I make this Design? (Copywrite issues on Quotes)?
We’re making our own T-Shirts in a class I’m in and I don’t want to get into any legal issues but I want to put a quote said by a charater on my favorite TV show because obviously I can’t use their copywritten symbols in my work without the rights.
But another designer told me I couldn’t use anything they said either because the scripts are copywritten as well and even if I give the person credit for saying it.
Does anyone know if this is true?
I’m not selling anything. It’s just for personal use on a class assignment.
Best answer:
Answer by micaso1971
You know what if it is just a classroom assignment then I would just do it. If someone confronts you on the street about it just say that you got it at a yard sale. I know Donald Trump somehow copyrighted “You’re Fired”. So do becareful or just make up your own.
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