Q&A: Can web designers reuse componets and still give full ownership to client?
Question by siverskiier: Can web designers reuse componets and still give full ownership to client?
I’m a web developer.
I have written common PHP scripts like contact forms and double opt-in systems that I customize for each client.
Can I grant each and every client total ownership via “Work made for hire” under US copyright law?
Or do I no longer have the right to use it again after I’ve sold one website (containing the script) as “Work made for hire”?
EDIT: Based on what I read in the first response, a complete website can’t be considered “work made for hire” under US Copyright law.
My original question remains, though. Can I assign complete ownership of my work to a client if that work contains some components that I reuse for multiple clients?
Thanks for any insight.
I acknowledge that your response doesn’t constitute legal advise, so please don’t be afraid to throw in your $ .02.
Best answer:
Answer by wk_coe
This document is all about “work-for-hire”:
Of course, since it is written by the government, it will refer to other documents, sometimes citing the document, other times telling you to reference to another document.
I would also read up on authorship, distribution, etc.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!