Q&A: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?
Question by Sarah S: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?
Best answer:
Answer by M.zubair
What’s the toughest aspect of making an independent film? Is it getting finance, casting within a confined budget or writing a script or something completely different?
Yes, yes and no.
Getting financing is always painful.
Casting has become really ridiculous because financiers think you can attract every major movie star into doing an ‘independent film with artisic merit.’ Bullshit. Also, you may not want every major movie star in your movie. But ‘they’ do. So– draw up your list of fave movie stars and then watch those icicles form in hell as you wait for their agents to call back!
It’s never been hard to write a script which takes a completely different point of view. It comes quite naturally to me, unfortunately even when I want to follow the formula! But it’s why I’m always excited about the movies I want to make. I convince myself that I’ve never seen anything like it before!
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