Q&A: Does anyone know a store where they sell used or new Professional video cameras?
Question by JaYColes109: Does anyone know a store where they sell used or new Professional video cameras?
Im looking for a store where they sell used or new professional video cameras. I live like 30mins. away from Los Angeles, CA. or if there’s a store online that sells them cheap, that would be ok too.
Anyone know where they sell them cheap? but that they’re still good to make movies?
Also a good program to edit the movies i make? which one is good? I dont want windows movie maker. i want something more professional.
thank you for ur time.
Best answer:
Answer by Paul R
Before you spend any money at all, do a course.
Honestly. It seems you know very little about what you actually want to do, do a short course, you’ll have a better idea, expert advice and will know better where to spend your money.
As it stands the shop staff are going to rub their hands and sell you stuff you don’t know you don’t need.
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