Q&A: Does washable paint come out of your hair?
Question by Sadie: Does washable paint come out of your hair?
I am making a movie and I need to color my hair several different colors. If I were to put washable paint into my hair would it wash out within a few minnutes. If not please let me know of any temporary hair coloring techniques besides colored hair spray that would work.
I have Brown Hair and my friend has dirty-blondish brownish hair.
The colors we neeed are pink yellow black and possibly deep purple.
P.S. We are on a bit of a tight budget.
I can’t use anything that takes shampooing to come out of your hair. I have to make theese changes within a few minnutes. I may be able to rub a bit of shampoo into my hair when I have it under a water hose.
Best answer:
Answer by Rica 82
Don’t put that in your hair. There are dyes for your hair that wash out after certain amounts of shampoos. Another suggestion, spray that halloween type of spray in your hair. It’s safer than the paint you are talking about.
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