Q&A: Ending of Inception- Theories?
Question by Brian: Ending of Inception- Theories?
Ok I’m trying to make sense of this movie and I was wondering if anyone could support my theory and make sense of it.
So Cobb (LEO) definitely was in reality in the end because everyone else got back and the dradle wobbled. He couldn’t have been in a dream the whole time because the dradle stopped spinning a few times during the movie. Also nobody knew anything about him until halfway through the movie so they had no motivation to perform an inception on him.
All the little hints that it might be a dream (kids wearing the same clothes) were just there to make the ending a little more spicy.
Anyway lets get to the confusing parts which are:
-Molly and Cobb had to die to enter Limbo. How did they die? And if the train running over them was the reason they went to limbo, how did they get back? Molly waking up right after the train track scene seems to symbolize that that was the reason they went back to reality but if that’s true then when did they grow old?
-Ok so Ellen Page (the girl from Juno) and Cobb went to Limbo through the rich guy’s brain similarly to the way that they entered his dream. Then Cobb stays behind while Ellen Page kicks herself and the rich guy out of Limbo (the rich guy needs the defibrilator too). Cobb ends up in the japanese guys limbo. Then how does Cobb and the Japanese guy get out of limbo? The rich guy needed a defibrilator but for some reason they don’t?
To me, this movie was great at first but now that I look at it closely it seems sloppily put together, because there are a lot of holes in it. Maybe thats on purpose so people like me will become obsessed with it.
Can anyone enlighten me to something i missed?
Best answer:
Answer by Jimmy Kael
You’re thinking too much. It is left up to you to decide what happened. Are you an optimist or pessimist. There is no wrong answer. Brilliant film. You can watch the entire Inception movie online for free right now at http://www.newmovieclub.com/inception
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