Q&A: Good (and not free) video editing software?
Question by ♥live4thebreathtakingmoments♥: Good (and not free) video editing software?
I don’t want a free video editing software because I want something of quality (and because my parents will kill me if I give the computer a virus), but I need something like $ 50 give or take. I guess $ 100 would be fine too, but nothing too professional. Any good ones? I want good effects and transitions (more than windows movie maker offers) so I can make some catchy videos 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Wendy
Here are some really excellent ones… Not Professional….
Video Explosion Deluxe : http://www.internetvideomag.com/articles2002/NovaVideoExplosion.htm
WinDVD Creator : http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/1177441133981
muvee AutoProducer : http://www.muvee.com/en/products/reveal/?utm_source=campaign&utm_medium=generic&utm_content=720&utm_campaign=CJ_Text_Link
Adobe Premiere Elements : http://www.adobe.com/products/premiereel/
Pinnacle Studio Plus : http://www.pinnaclesys.com/PublicSite/uk/Products/Consumer+Products/Home+Video/Studio+Family/Studio+Plus+11.htm
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