Q&A: Has anyone seen the first twilight movie?

Question by muffin: Has anyone seen the first twilight movie?
Okay, I like need to know what is the name of the song that Edward was playing in the first Twilight movie….He was on the piano and it was this beautiful song he played and he only played a tad bit of it…I’d like to know what is the name of it…or is it just something they came up with during the making of the movie.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea…He always hummed his favorite tune….its the song that he played on the piano..plz help me sum1

Best answer:

Answer by Paige
The Song is called Bella’s lullaby and is on the sountrack. It is indeed beautiful, I learned it. It’s quite easy if you are ever interested in playing piano = )

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