Q&A: Help!!! Any ideas in movie making?
Question by sweet50miles: Help!!! Any ideas in movie making?
I hav a project where we should be making a movie. Our class was divided into groups and im the leader of my group. Im afraid that i cant make it since the top rankers in our year was in the first group and im the only top ten in my group. But im the top ten so i know that i can also make a good movie.
I need ideas of wahat will be the story of the movie i will make. It must be about high school life.
I heard that the 1st ggrp. will be doing a movie with branies, sosy, nice guys, rebels,. And the other grp will be doing something like musical.
Please help me..I need a better idea..Any idea will be a great help for me.
And, can you help me how can my groupmates would listen to me.
im second year high school..
Best answer:
Answer by Mani
contact jasal bhatti art and movies school
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