Q&A: Help Please!! 2 Questions 10 Points To Best Answer!! Lord Of The Flies..Movie?
Question by DolcezzA: Help Please!! 2 Questions 10 Points To Best Answer!! Lord Of The Flies..Movie?
Hi everyone, I have 2 questions about lord of the flies…the movie 🙂 Can someone please help me answer them, and can you please give me a good answer 🙂 Thanks
1. What type of decision-making technique did Ralph, Piggy and Jack each represent?
2. What type of leadership style did Ralph, Piggy and Jack each represent?
Any help is much appreciated 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by amyinwonderland
1. Well when Ralph makes decisions he needs support and guidance from Piggy, and takes everyone else in to consideration. When Piggy makes decisions he makes good choices, it’s just that no one listens to him. And when Jack makes decisions he thinks only for himself.
2. Ralph is a natural leader and democratic. He thinks of everyone and what will best benefit the group. Piggy isn’t a leader, he’s smart but he doesn’t have very good social skills. Jack is a dictator, and although he has great social skills he is very selfish and wants everyone to do as he says no questions asked.
Hope this helped!x
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