Q&A: Help please (a) laptops+sims 3?
Question by lisa'(: ♥: Help please (a) laptops+sims 3?
okey doke… well im going to give you all the details 🙂
It really pisses me off,
i had to pay £200 for my mums old laptop, which was gonna be thrown out anyway (Dell Inspiron 6000 . ANCIENT) :@ and that chrismas my little sister got a brand spanking new Dell Inspiron 1525 for diddly squat 😐 anyway, i had the release date of Sims 3 marked on my calendar for MONTHS and when i finally got it , this old piece of junk (Dell inspiron 6000) couldn’t take it, so me and my sister had to “share” hers, now anyone who has a sibling knows that NEVER works. she never lets me use it, wont let me make my own account AND wont tell me her password or even type it in for me, now im a TOTAL sims addict and this is killing me D:
so i need some kind of plan, im thinking of putting my Dell Inspiron 6000 for sale on ebay, im selling my ipod nano for about £50, + birthday money (19th December ;p) and HOPEFULLY i’ll scrape enough money so my mum and dad will go halfers with me for a laptop (yn) but the total maximum will be £500.
I use Sims for making movies, so it’ll have to play it on quite high quality,
I only use laptops for Sims+msn+facebook.
so it doesnt really have to do much…
anyway PLEASE help me before i hurt someonee haha x
…oh and incase your wondering, yes, my little sister gets EVERYTHING she wants for nothing, and i get f**k all.
Best answer:
Answer by sewrobb
Here are all the makes, reviews, specs and prices. In some cases they will tell you the best places to buy them from.
Have a look at the specs that will run Sims 3 and go from there.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!