Q&A: How can I make a movie using a digital camera?
Question by mariyah: How can I make a movie using a digital camera?
How can I make a movie? like backrounds and stuff?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Sure if:
* You have a script
* You have taken the time to draw a storyboard
* You have blocked the scenes so you can shoot all the scenes in one location and no have to revisit it later (costs time, energy and mostly money to recreate a scene
* have a good crew who knows their jobs (grips, lighting director, director of photography, grips, sound man and all the assistants necessary to shoot the principle photography.
* have a good film video) editor
* have an excellent sound, music and Foley editor
* and some idea where you are going to release the film (in your living room on a HDTV, at a local or regional theater, etc.
And of course if you have the necessary budget to cover all your expenses
One would have to know what kind of camera you are referring to in this case. 1) a 3-ccd, broadcast quality or HD camera, 2) one of the new DSLR cameras that can shoot HD video or 3) a simple P&S camera that happens to have some kind of video function on it.
Based upon what your equipment is and your organization, you will have some kind of success
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