Q&A: How can I tell if a movie is a hollywood movie and not independent?
Question by Helen M: How can I tell if a movie is a hollywood movie and not independent?
I am doing my dissertation on the male gaze in 21st century hollywood cinema but am having a bit of trouble making sure films are specifically HOLLYWOOD films and not independent…can anyone help?
Best answer:
Answer by Waltzing Delilah
Independent means that it is not affiliated to any of the large studios or corporations and are funded, most often by an individual. Hollywood films are back by major corporations and film studios.
To summarize:
Independent movies are financed independently. Where as Hollywood is financed by a studio.
That’s why films like About Schmidt by Alexander Payne with big name actors like Jack Nicholson and Kathy Bates is still considered an independent film – so these films surely don’t signify that they’re any less good – just coz they’re independent.
They’re as good, and very often better than anything you watch from Hollywood.
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