Q&A: how could I create a magazine?
Question by babyboy216955: how could I create a magazine?
I have a great Idea that is a sure to sell mag I even made a rough draft sort of . I want to know what It takes I understand It should be difficult or even impossible but I need to do this its my dream . please its about a few things .. games movies but thats besides the point who can I contact or apply to have my mag published and copyrighted ( I dont need it stolen you know ) just please how can I go about making a magazine or co writing 1 or even if I dont get to keep the most money I just want to write about video games .
Best answer:
Answer by Bran
you would need to prove that there would be a large enough demographic interested in the topic before anyone would consider it, I don’t think you would be able to with ‘games movies’
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