Q&A: How do I begin making physical contact with this girl?
Question by Ben T: How do I begin making physical contact with this girl?
Ok, before I begin, let’s note that when I say “physical contact,” I don’t mean sexual contact. I’m talking about putting my arm around her, maybe a kiss on the forehead… basic touch, etc. Ok, so I’ve been seeing this girl for a couple weeks now. We’ve gone out twice (I’m meeting her for our third “date” tomorrow night…going to the movies), and she’s a total sweetheart. She’s really intelligent, she’s genuine, and she’s also very pretty. I want her to know that I like her a lot, and I think she already knows that I do (I mean, I did ask her out on a second date and have tried to show her a really good time). I think she also likes me, as well (she smiles a lot around me, giggles at my sarcasm, and sounds nervous on the phone… which I’ve been told is a sign that a girl likes you). She’s also really shy… which is why I’m asking how can I begin “touching her” (once again, not sexually you perverts) without scaring her away? Part of me thinks she’d be totally fine with it, but how can I know for sure? And if she is, how do I go about this? We aren’t “officially” dating yet, so is it even cool to be touching her yet?
Best answer:
Answer by Ella
just randomly hold her hand when you’re walking together, act like it’s no big deal. if she pulls away, then let go, you can always be like, “oh, sorry. i guess i got too carried away” and laugh it off.
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