Q&A: How do I extend battery life on the PSP?
Question by metall.pingwin: How do I extend battery life on the PSP?
I’m about to set out on about a fifteen hour long trip. I know my PSP won’t last throughout the entire thing, but how do I make it last as much as possible?
I’m currently running firmware 3.40 OE-A, are there any super special features hidden in it to extend battery life?
You can Overclock, but does underclocking help whatsoever?
Also, I have a choice as to whether run my games with the UMD, or I can use ISOs. Which one eats up more battery life here?
So basically, other than the basics like turning off sound\using earphones, or dimmest screen setting. Is there any way to extend the battery life further? Note, that I will only be playing games, no movies or music.
Best answer:
Answer by Brian H
I’m using the same firmware. As far as under/overclocking. The faster you run the psp (333Mhz being the fastest) the more battery power it will use. I would imagine that running an iso from the memory stick would use less battery power than running the umd. The umd drive has more moving parts, which should mean more power consumption.
I took a 16 hour flight to Hawaii last month. I watched two ripped movies and played iso’s for a good portion of the trip. I didn’t play for the entire trip, but the battery was still at 3% when we landed.
If you’re taking the trip by car, I would recommend getting a car charger. I got mine at Walmart for around $ 10
Good luck and enjoy your trip.
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