Q&A: How do i “stitch” seperate frames into a movie or animation?

Question by Jannie S: How do i “stitch” seperate frames into a movie or animation?
I,m lost..
I have a folder with thousands of frames, together they form a movie or animation.
Does anyone know of some free software to make such an animation (25fps) and has a export function for AVI (any format will do)?

Yep, it’s Jpeg!

Best answer:

Answer by Jet

I found a free program that can do this:


1. Download it (of course :P)
2. Install it
3. Open the program.
4. Go to File —> slideshow (file is in the left corner)
5. Browse to the pictures and add them
6. Under slide advancement choose Automatic after … seconds. Fill that in yourself (only you know how fast the sildeshow needs to go)
7. Press play slideshow
8. If you’re happy with the result press Saveslideshow as .exe

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