Q&A: How do you drive traffic to your site? www.candlejules.com?
Question by thecandlelady97396: How do you drive traffic to your site? www.candlejules.com?
I’ve been working really hard on my website. I don’t know Java Script or much HTML. Seriously, I’m just a girl who has been working really hard making candles for the last 8 years and I’ve put off making a website because I was afraid of trying to build a site due to my lack of skills. I guess I just want to know if this is a site worthy of people looking at. I’m not trying to sell anything – I posted a question about which what were people favorite candles on my site and it got deleted. I really didn’t intend for it to try and sell anything…just trying to get opinions. So, to conclude – does my site look okay and what can I do to get traffic? www.candlejules.com Thank you so much for your time!!!! (And I WILL award points for best answer!)
Best answer:
Answer by sara
wow what beautiful candles! i feel the site is layed out nicely. im no computer buff or marketing buff, but i personally like it. i think one way is to actually (face to face) tell ppl about ur website and hand out business cards or something like that.
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