Q&A: How do you edit footage from a camera to make a movie?
Question by Master Chief: How do you edit footage from a camera to make a movie?
I have footage of me and my friends skateboarding and I want to make a skate video and put it on YouTube. What is a good editing program to use and what can I do with it?
Best answer:
Answer by Matty Boy
Here is a list of editors that will do just that.
Non Linear Editing Software:
Windows Movie Maker (Free) WIN
IMovie (Free) MAC
Honest Tech Easy Video Editor (30USD)
Honest Tech Video Editor (50USD)
Pinnacle Studio (50USD) WIN
Sony Vegas Movie Studio (55USD)WIN/MAC (Recommended)
Corel Video Studio (70 USD)
Sony Vegas Platinum (85USD) WIN/MAC (Recommended and owned by me)
Pinnacle Studio Plus (100USD) WIN
Adobe Premiere Elements (100USD) WIN (Recommended)
Sony Vegas Platinum Pro Pack (115USD) WIN/MAC (Recommended)
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate (130USD) WIN
Final Cut Express (200USD) MAC (Highly Recommended)
Vegas Pro (550USD) WIN/MAC (Highly Recommended)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 (800USD) WIN/MAC (Highly Recommended)
I disagree Amhad vegas isn’t the best. Avid, which isn’t listed above is the best. Otherwise pros wouldn’t use it. And pros don’t use Vegas. However it is still an awesome product.
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