Q&A: How do you make an exact backup copy of a dvd movie?
Question by Timothy Jester: How do you make an exact backup copy of a dvd movie?
I have a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112…I have read online and have only found the following model PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112d. It says this model is a DL burner. Are these the same drives? And if not is mine compatible and what is the recommended best software to use to create backups of my movies?
Best answer:
Answer by J
You will need to get yourself some burning software. Also, most DVDs are protected and encoded to prevent you from copying them.
I would recommend getting a copy of Nero Burning software and then seek out a free application called DVDshrink, which will copy the DVD to your HD and then allow you to use Nero to burn it.
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