Q&A: I want to make some bomb-a%% movies using simple tools – so my (?) is whats the best free(or)cheap software?
Question by Benjamin G: I want to make some bomb-a%% movies using simple tools – so my (?) is whats the best free(or)cheap software?
I’ve started using Windows Movie Maker, which is OK at best — and then converting files from VOB to avi or WMV using an assortment of different FREE software, but it’s not working very good, quality is low and in some case audio is off … whats the best free – whats the best cheap – whats the best-best!! Thanks!!
Best answer:
Answer by Mrkaras
I have found WAX (http://www.debugmode.com/wax/) is good for some fairly complicated special effects, but not so much for editing your whole movie, still a useful tool. freeware.
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