Q&A: I’m in the process of writting a movie screenplay. Is it good so far?
Question by greendayrocks360: I’m in the process of writting a movie screenplay. Is it good so far?
Jamie: Did you think you could pull it off?
Ben: I wasn’t sure.
Jamie: Did you even think before you tried it?
Ben: Yes.
Jamie: Then what was the purpose? If you knew it was bad, why’d you even do it?
Ben sings
I wanted, to be remembered.
I wanted, to be thought of as wise.
Jamie: You will be.
Ben continues
I thought it would work
I tested it out. I thought I had it perfect.
But I guess, like everything else.
I did this wrong.
Jamie: Now, don’t be like that.
Ben sings: Do you ever think of me, as someone you’d remember?
Jamie: Yes. Well, no. But I knew I’d always remember.
Ben says: Well you’re my friend.
Jamie: Yeah.
Ben continues singing.
I mean if I tried harder. I could do this.
I though, I had it perfect. But then, you came along;
With what is this foolish song?
All I ask is for respect.
Jamie sings:
And you ask for respect.
And you shall receive it.
That’s all I can ask for.
But don’t be sad if not everyone is as exceptive.
I knew I could always count on you.
Ben and Jamie:
You’re my best friend.
I’d do anything for you.
You can count on me.
I’ll always be here for you.
Ben and Jamie:
And I’ll always be here for you.
They exit out the door.
Ben and Jamie have been next door neighbors and best friends since they were born. Ben was born two days before Jamie. His birthday is October 29th, and hers is October 31st. They both attend Luke Carlston High School. They live in Larten Pennsylvania. Bens family are the Baily’s, and Jamie’s family are the Ray’s. Their both 16 years old.
Mrs. Baily is in the kitchen getting dinner ready. She hears the door slam shut and footsteps coming towards the kitchen.
Mrs. Baily: Ben is that you?
Ben: Yep. Mmm. Smells great in here. What are you making for supper?
Mrs. Baily: Well, I’m making your dads favorite, he had a rough day at work. He’s been terribly busy what with all the new interns and such. So I’m making baked ziti.
Ben: I do love your ziti. Are you making garlic bread with it?
Mrs. Baily: Heaven’s! I nearly forgot! Benny dear, can you run down to the store and pick up some Italian bread?
Ben: Sure thing mom.
Mrs. Baily: Thank you. Hurry! Take your bike.
Ben: I’ll be as fast as I can mom.
And with that Ben was off to get the bread. He peddled down the street as fast as he could to the corner market. Once there he went into the store. Picked up Italian bread, and headed to the cash register.
Cashier: You’re the Baily’s son right? Is April making something fancy for supper?
Ben smiled at her: Yes, Ma’am. My moms making her special ziti. She forgot to pick up some Italian bread when she was here earlier though.
Cashier bags the bread into a paper bag: Alright, you tell your mom Judy said to enjoy it. Made fresh an hour ago.
Ben: Sure thing Ma’am.
And he headed back home. Once he got home he jumped off his bike and ran inside.
Ben: Got it mom!
Mrs. Baily: Thank you dear. Who rang you up?
Ben: Judy. She told me to tell you to enjoy it. It was just made fresh about an hour ago.
Mrs. Baily: That woman always treats our family with such respect. Do you want to cut it up dear? Just slice like this. *She shows him how big to slice them* Just do it like that okay dear?
Ben: Alright. How many mom?
Mrs. Baily: slice 6.
Ben: Alright.
Ben sliced the bread and put butter and garlic on it. Mrs. Baily started to make salad. Ben put the bread in the oven, while Mrs. Baily took the ziti out of it. The heard the front door open. The garlic bread was done. They took it out sat it in a bowl and went and greeted Mr. Baily.
Ben running up and hugging his dad: DAD!
Mr. Baily hugging him back: Hey Benny.
Then he kissed Mrs. Baily
Mrs. Baily: Welcome home dear.
Mr. Baily sniffs the air.
Mr. Baily: Mmm…Smells great dear.
Mrs. Baily: Well here have Ben take your hat and coat to the closet and I’ll get you settled at the table.
Mr. Baily gives Ben his hat and his coat.
Mr. and Mrs. Baily disappear into the kitchen. Ben was now becoming nervous. He hadn’t told his mother yet about what a disaster the talent show auditions were. He knew that his father would ask. Ben hangs up the coat and puts the hat on the rack and goes back into the kitchen. His parents had already started eating. Ben sits down.
Mr. Baily: So how was school today, son?
Ben: It was alright.
Mrs. Baily: Did you learn anything new?
Ben: Not really, today was basically a review of yesterday.
Mr. Baily: How did your talent show auditions go? Did Jamie try out too?
Ben: Jamie didn’t try out. But the auditions…well they didn’t go too well…I couldn’t pull the song off.
Mr. Baily: It’s alright son. You’re mother and I are still proud even if you don’t make it onto the show.
Ben: Thanks.
The rest of dinner is pretty quiet.
Jamie comes into the house.
Jamie: Mom, are you home?
Ms. Ray: Yeah Hun, I’m in the living room.
Jamie walks into the living room. Her mother was sitting on the sofa eating a T.V. dinner watching her soap operas.
Ms. Ray: Yours is still in the oven dear. Your father called for you as well.
Jamie: He did? What did he say?
Ms. Ray: He just wanted to talk to you. Wants to know what you’re doing this weekend.
Jamie: Oh, I’m pretty busy Saturday. Ben wants me to go to the talent show.
Ms. Ray: Alright, tell him not me. I really don’t care when you spend time with your father.
Jamie nodded and went into the kitchen to get her T.V. Dinner: Thanks mom!
Ms. Ray: You’re welcome dear.
Jamie ate her dinner.
Jamie: Mom, I’m gonna go over Ben’s for a little bit, alright?
Ms. Ray: Sure thing dear.
Jamie: I’ll be home around 9 or 9:30.
Ms. Ray: Sounds good to me.
Jamie: See ya.
Ms. Ray: Bye.
And Jamie walked over to Bens house. Jamie knocks on the door.
Mr. Baily answers the door.
Mr. Baily: Hey Jamie! Bens right upstairs.
Jamie: Thanks Mr. B.
Jamie goes upstairs into Bens room.
Jaime: HEY BEN!!!
Ben: Hey there Jamie. What are you so happy about?
Jamie: I’m outta the house! Hey, ya wanna go to the park? I need to talk to you.
Ben: Yeah, sure. Let me just tell my mom were we’re off to.
Jamie: Alright.
Ben and Jamie run down the stairs.
Ben: Mom! Me and Jamie are gonna go to the park. Is that alright?
Mrs. Baily: Of course it is!
Ben: Thanks mom. We’ll be back!
And they walked to the park. They get to the park and sit on the swing set.
Jamie: So my dad called.
Ben: Oh yeah? That’s awesome! I bet you were excited.
Jamie: At first I was. But my father always does this. Always makes plans on the days he knows I’ve already got them. Plus all he does is yell at me when we’re together, and you know what else he does.
Ben: Yeah. Sorry.
Jamie: I think he’s got something to tell me.
Ben: What do you think he’s got to tell you?
Jamie: I don’t know.
Ben: You could always call him on the phone.
Jamie: Yeah. I suppose I could.
Ben: Wanna do it now?
Jamie: Sure.
Jamie dials her dad’s number.
Mr. Ray: Hello?
Jamie: Dad?
Mr. Ray: Jamie?!
Jaime: Yeah, it’s me dad. Mom says you called today?
Mr. Ray: I did. I was going to see what you’re doing this weekend, but something came up. Listen sweetie, I have something really serious and important to tell you. This isn’t the way I wanted to tell you, but I have to tell you. Now.
Jamie: Ok, what is it?
Mr. Ray: Well. You know how I have cancer.
Jamie: Right.
Mr. Ray: Well it’s a lot more serious then they thought it was when the first looked at it. I have to go into surgery tomorrow. There is a 75% chance of me not living through the surgery. They said if I made it through the surgery, that I wouldn’t live through the kemo therapy.
Jamie starts to cry.
Jamie: Are you sure there’s nothing else they can do?
Mr. Ray: Well. Yes. But this is why I won’t be able to get with you this weekend.
Jamie: Yeah? And what is that option?
Mr. Ray: Well, I’ve decided, because this seemed like the nicest and most peaceful option. They said that they could give me a shot that would slowly just kill me. Tomorrow I will be dead.
Jamie: Dad?
Mr. Ray: Jamie I know this is hard. It’s even harder for me. But there isn’t another chance. And I don’t want to be cut open and then die.
Jamie: Alright dad.
Mr. Ray: Jamie, I love you.
Jamie: I love you too dad.
Mr. Ray: Jamie. This is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. I feel like I’m just giving up my life.
Jamie: Dad, I’d rather you die, p-peace-f-ful rather then p-p-pain.
Mr. Ray: Well, I’ve got to go Jamie. Their taking me in now.
Jamie: I l-love you d-dad. So m-much.
Mr. Ray: I’m leaving everything to you dear.
Jamie: Alright.
Mr. Ray: I l-love you so much baby girl.
Jamie: I lo-love you too daddy.
Mr. Ray: Well, I’ve got to go. I love you. Goodbye. Forever.
Jamie: I l-love y-you t-too d-dad. G-g-goodbye. F-forever.
Jamie hung up the phone. Ben put his arm around her and let her cry.
Ben sings:
It’ll be alright.
It’ll be alright.
Jamie sings:
Ben. I’m gonna miss him.
So much.
Well Jamie.
I am here for you.
I don’t know how it feels;
To lose someone so close.
But I will be here for you.
Ben I love you.
You are my best friend.
I don’t know how, I’d deal with this
Without you.
Well Jamie you don’t have to worry.
You don’t have to worry.
I am here for you.
I don’t know, Ben, how I feel about this.
I am happy he is going to a better place.
But I, am just not ready, to lose my daddy.
Well Jamie, I’ve never met anyone who was.
And it’s alright, to feel like this.
He was a good man.
He was my father.
My only one.
My daddy.
He got me.
More then anyone else.
Well Jamie I can promise you
That you will not have to
Deal with this alone
I don’t know how I’d deal with this alone.
Ben and Jamie
Ben: Well you don’t have to worry.
Jamie: But I don’t have to worry no more.
Ben: Because I’m here for you.
Jamie: Because you’re here for me.
Ben by himself:
You are my best friend. I would never leave you hanging.
Thank you. But I don’t know
When will they call and tell me
He’s gone?
I don’t know Jamie.
But when they do.
I’ll be here for you.
They walk home. A few days later at her father’s funeral.
Jamie: Hi everyone. I don’t really know how to give a eulogy. Even more, I didn’t think I’d have to do one this early in life. The man, who lies here before us today, is Mr. Charles Dane Ray. My father. My mother’s husband.
Jamie sings:
He was a good man.
In my opinion.
He was too young to die.
I knew he wouldn’t live forever.
But I didn’t think, he’d die so soon.
You see, I had plenty of opportunities.
To see him. But I didn’t want to go.
You see cause I thought I had more important things to do.
But today. I realize. He was the most important thing, in my life.
He was my daddy. He was my best friend.
He cared about everyone. And I thank you all.
For coming out tonight. Thank you.
Please exit to your right.
Screen goes blank. Then goes to next scene.
A month later.
Ben starts shaking Jamie.
Ben: WAKE UP!!!
Jamie: Ugh BEN! Didn’t anyone give you a clock? It’s only…OH MY GOD! WE’RE LATE!
Ben: I know!! It’s a two hour delay because of the snow!
Jamie sits up.
Jamie: Oh. My god. You scared me half to death! I already have 3 lates. I’d get detention.
Ben: Well good thing I’m here to wake you up!
Jamie: Heh, yeah.
Jamie gets up, and goes to the kitchen for breakfast. She looks around.
Jamie: Hey Ben, where is my mom?
Ben: She went to get us donuts!
Jamie: Oh my god. She better be careful driving in this shit.
No sooner did Jamie turn on the television, the phone rang.
Jamie: Hello?
Nurse: Is this Jamie Ray?
Jamie: Yes.
Nurse: Well Jamie, your mother has just been in a very severe car accident.
Jamie: Is she ok?
Nurse: No. I’m sorry.
Jamie: What do you mean you’re sorry?
Nurse: Uh, dear, we just, we just lost her.
Jamie: NO! *starts crying* no!!!
Nurse: I’m sorry dear. You’ll have to come by the hospital at some point today.
Jamie: Alright.
Nurse: I’m sorry for your loss. Bye
Jamie: Bye.
Jamie hangs up the phone. She sits down on the couch. Ben comes over and sits next to her.
Ben: Are you ok?
Jamie: No.
Ben: What happened, who was on the phone?
Jamie: That was the hospital. My mom was just in a bad crash.
Ben: Oh no! Is she ok?
Jaime: No. She d-died.
Ben instantly grabbed Jamie and hugged her.
Ben: I’m so sorry Jamie.
Jamie: It’s not your fault.
Ben: I know, but I feel so bad. Your dad the beginning of the month. Now your mom at the end? It just doesn’t seem fair to me.
Jamie: I know. It doesn’t.
A few days later at the funeral. Jamie’s mother’s sister is reading the eulogy this time. She talks about how much her sister loved her daughter and her husband. Then she talked about what would happen with Jamie. She said that they weren’t sure yet, but that once everything settled down they would figure it out. However for the time being she was to stay with the Baily’s.
A couple of days later.
Mrs. Baily: Rise and shine miss Jamie. Are you feeling up to school today dear?
Jamie: Not really. But I’ll never get anywhere if I don’t try a day of school.
Mrs. Baily: Now that’s the spirit. I’ve made scrambled eggs, bacon, and home-fries.
Jamie: Oh! Sounds great Mrs. B, I’ll be down in a minute.
Mrs. Baily: Alright.
And with that Mrs. Baily went to the next room to wake up Ben. Jamie walks down stairs and sits at the kitchen table.
Ben: Mornin’ Jamie!
Jamie: Ga’morning Ben.
Ben: How did you sleep?
Jamie: Alright, you?
Ben: Pretty good. Ready for school today?
Jamie: Probably as ready as I’ll ever be.
Ben: At least you’re starting back on a half a day week.
Jamie: Yeah.
Mrs. Baily comes down stairs and serves the breakfast. They eat the meal quietly, and then Ben and Jamie go upstairs to get ready for school.
Ben: Do you want to get a shower first?
Mrs. Baily yells up from downstairs: BEN YOU CAN SHOWER IN YOUR FATHER AND I’S BATHROOM.
Ben calls back down: ALRIGHT! THANKS MOM.
So Ben and Jamie go take showers and get ready for school.
Best answer:
Answer by Moo
very interesting. keep up the good work.
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