Q&A: I’m making a christmas montage- what are some of your favorite christmas movie moments?

Question by tink: I’m making a christmas montage- what are some of your favorite christmas movie moments?
I’m trying to make a christmas photo slide show with some movie clips but I was wondering what are your most memorable-favorite christmas movie moments?-

Some clips I have in mind-

Home Alone-
“Layoff the Pepsi Fuller!”
of course:–

Christmas Vacation:
“Drum roll please… ddddrrrrrrdddd”– and then the lights dont work
And when he’s watching home movies in the attic in a fur shawl and head wrap lol

Christmas Story:
“You’ll shoot your eye out!”
“He looks like a pink nightmare!”
“I triple dog dare ya!”

I need alot more holiday clips halloween and christmas mostly so any suggestions would be nice! Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by cookiemonster
How about Scrooges: Bah Humbug and tiny Tim’s: God Bless us everyone

and something from Its a wonderful life?

“your a mean one Mr.Grinch”

when frosty the snowman starts to melt?

What do you think? Answer below!

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