Q&A: im making a power of one movie thing for class… help?
Question by R P: im making a power of one movie thing for class… help?
ok for my technology class we have to make a motivational movie with the theme “power of one”
my idea is to like use a bunch a pictures of like some1 lendinding a hand and community service ect. and i was thinkinf of doing a short video of some1 walking with the quote one person can make a difference. then another short video added to the movie with more than one person with a quote saying “but many…can change the world” and then like a picture of me and the people in my group. im gna use the song use somebody by kings of leon and ya. i dont know what quotes to use exaxley ..i can think of any and any picture to link them to. so if you find any videos to the ones i was telling you about. and insperational picture such as like adding a helping hand and showing love. ect. something to do with the power of one. and more than one can make a difference. give me the links i would really appriciate it.
and the movie thing i have to make has to be 30 seconds minumum 1 minute maximum.
(this is all i have so far)
ohh and the people in my group are pretty much clue less on the project and with technology and what they have to do ect. so to get an A i have to do most of the work. so pllleeeaaassseee help 😀
Best answer:
Answer by Zahavah
Try a heart … the heart is broken in half … left side and right side … it needs to balance out and to live
Or you can try Humanity … Men & Women anyone ?
Men & Women = One
Men & Women = Humanity
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