Q&A: Is it Legal to use a Title of a movie if it’s already been used before?
Question by Minghag: Is it Legal to use a Title of a movie if it’s already been used before?
I’m an independent film-maker and am making a horror movie and want to know if you can use a movie title that’s been already used before, but the movie is different then the one the people have already made using the title. Can I as long as I don’t try and copyright it? Or as long as I have a differnent script? Or do I have to change the Name a little bit. The name I was going for was The Bloodshed, there have been a movie called Bloodshed, and The Blood Shed. Could I still use the name since it’s a little different, since it doesn’t have a space? I would still like to know if you can use it if it’s already been takin. And if you came up with a movie title but there is a song with the same title can you still make your film with that title, and would I want to copyright it, and how do I copyright it? Or should I not copyright it? Please Help!!! Thanks!!!
Best answer:
Answer by October
Movie names cannot be copyrighted.
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