Q&A: Is the movie New Moon busy on thanksgiving?
Question by Laura: Is the movie New Moon busy on thanksgiving?
happy thanksgiving! I just finished making the jello and whip cream dessert, yum! Were going to see New Moon at 5:40 tonight, as i was wondering it is going to be very busy? And I already have tickets. What time should i get there, to get good seats? So will there be lots of people, or will most people be eating dinner.
By the way, this theatre is pretty popular, its one of the big ones.
Best answer:
Answer by Forever&Always<3
Go there 20min earlier! Thats what i did! Its an AMAZINGGGGGG movie! You’ll love it! Hm, There might be alot of people! but not so much that you wont be able to find a seat! You might not be able to find a GOOD seat unless you get there earlier!
Enjoy the movie, Its awesome!
Oh & Happy thanksgiving!
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