Q&A: Is this depression or is it normal?
Question by : Is this depression or is it normal?
I’ve been curious about this for a while but I never really took the time to actually find out if I’m just sad or actually depressed. A lot of times I don’t want to get up or face school or just do anything. My school can be difficult because I take history in French and a high speed French class. I haven’t been in a non-AP or advanced class since the fifth grade and I can get really stressed out to the point I have thrown up. If I don’t do well in school I won’t get into a good college. Then I won’t have a good job so I’ll be poor and have no money to support myself or a loved one. Then I’ll be homeless and alone. I’ve considered killing myself every couple weeks but have never tried anything. The only time I feel truly happy is when I’m fencing or watching or making movies. Does this happen to other people, is this normal? It’s not like I have a reason to be depressed, I’m a healthy, 16 year old girl with a good family and no financial problems. I don’t want to tell my parents though, they have enough on their plate right now and I don’t want them to worry.
Best answer:
Answer by Troll Dad
You suffer from paranoia.
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