Q&A: Learn about film making?
Question by TK@NY: Learn about film making?
I’m trying to look for a new career path. I have a passion for movies and tv/media stuff like that. I recently transferred schools and going to major in film and media studies. But I want to learn more about the actual hands on stuff. You know the techniques and equipment used. I hear that you can learn this stuff on your own first then get hands on experience later. Any ideas on how to start this? What books to read? maybe websites that will help?
Best answer:
Answer by yorkhugo
If you can, get a device that has HD recording capabilities. This can be a phone (like an android or iphone), a camera (like a powershot, or flip), or even a webcam.
First start to record and play around with the device and try to manipulate it. You want to experiment enough so that eventually an idea will come to you for your first personal project. Most computers come with video editing software installed, so for now, just use what you have to edit the movies. You can also use your schools computer lab. Make sure you play with text and adding audio, so that you know how to do this stuff later in your career. Youtube and Vimeo are great places to not only upload your work, but to also make friends who share your interests.
Also, befriend people in your schools theatre department. You can collaborate on projects with actors and designers and make some interesting pieces.
You should look into your school’s communications department, this may give you more hands on experience and access to equipment.
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