Q&A: Making A Horror Movie?????????? easy 10 points.?
Question by CoryStyle: Making A Horror Movie?????????? easy 10 points.?
Im creating a horror movie with my Friend mina, i was just wondering if it was on dvd or summet and the back of the case said this would you watch it??
Here is the synopsis
“Mina and Cory an average teenage couple in love. they live in their own perfect little world but when that perfect world comes crashing down how will they cope?
in this horrifying story of 2 teenagers who have to survive the onslaught of the nation how far will there love go? till death do us part?!”
Also any tips on making a zombie movie really good?
anything will be helpfull thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Morgan R
If I read that synopsis on the back of a dvd box I would never in a million years watch it. It sounds like a crappy, straight to dvd, zombie-teenage romance, twilight wannabe movie.
Tips for a zombie movie……packets of ketchup, packets and packets of ketchup. It’ll help you.
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