Q&A: Making money off of Avatar(the movie)?
Question by Billy M: Making money off of Avatar(the movie)?
Im guessing box office sales rarely reach over $ 100 million for any new movie. But with Avatars $ 200 million it costed to make, how will producers ever make any money? Movie stars are usually rich, especially if they star in big hits, but where does the money to make them rich come from? I mean even once its out of theaters and they are selling it on DVD, that still wouldnt be enough to make up the excess $ 100 million to break even, and then the next $ 100 million to pay off everyone involved fairly. So where does the money come from with Avatar to make people rich, and for other big budget movies for that matter?
Best answer:
Answer by Joanne
well there are not only dvds but video games, blue rays, etc. also it was a very popular movie so i think it must make more than 100 mill.
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