Q&A: movie trick double….?

Question by Aleks: movie trick double….?
was just watching back to the future 2 and was wondering how they make the same actor appear on screen at the same time like when doc brown is talking to him self at the clock tower?
do they use a green screen or something??

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny M.
They use the vista glide camera. It’s a motion control camera designed for BTTF2. The actor does 1 scene playing against a stand in or a TV screen or nothing. Then they do the scene again with the actor playing the other (older or younger) version of him or her self. If the camera moves the Vista glide system makes sure that the camera makes the exact same movement during every take. When all is filmed they combine the two shots (overlaying it over one another) creating the illusion that the same character is occupying the same space.

We used a sort of same technique for our short action movie. Only thing was we didn’t have a fancy expensive Motion control cam. So there is no movement in our FX shots.

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