Q&A: NAME OF A MOVIE (Mind traveling from one movie to other)?
Question by Tenissimo: NAME OF A MOVIE (Mind traveling from one movie to other)?
There´s a movie (ca. 1999-2000) involving some technology which allows a person to travel from one point to the other just projecting his mind into a new body available at that moment. In the movie, the main character (couldn’t remember the name of the actor) has a lot of trouble to come back to his own body because there was an accident (I think it was stolen or usurped or something like that). At the same time, there’s a missile flying over and over in the city for entire days, waiting for its target. (I can’t remember why that missile is there, but I remember the reviews at the time and everybody mentioned the bloody thing… seems to be a major feature of the movie).
Now can anybody makes sense of this bundle of information and remember the name of the movie or any hint to point the way?
Best answer:
Answer by LORD Z
Xchange with Steven Baldwin
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!