Q&A: Need help with movie title?
Question by Tabbitatt: Need help with movie title?
Ok im bad at this but here goes, its a greenhouse effect kinda movie where these scientists are trying to warn ppl that the world is gonna freeze over. There is a guy who is a scientist who is the dad of the main character. The world starts to get bad effects when a huge title wave drowns new york then the world starts to freeze over. the dad is like in a alaska or somewhere and he is trying to get back to new york to see his son and make sure he is alive. the son is a college kid who is the main character. he has a crush on this girl and he ends up at the library burning books to stay alive,. Meanwhile outside wolves are hunting in the city and the kid has to go out and get medicine for his would be girlfriend….does any of this sound familiar? It came out within the last couple of years and its a good movie but i cant remember the name
Best answer:
Answer by B-17
The Day After Tomorrow
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