Q&A: perfect blue unanswered?
Question by Dragan S: perfect blue unanswered?
These first seven are not my own personal questions although they might as well be it’s as if the person had read right out of my mind,
and that we’ve both come to the same foggy conclusion of perfect blue. The movie was WHACK ( in a good way) and as great as it was I don’t plan on watching it over just for the sake of answers (maybe i should have), but either way I’m positive that many others out there are just as puzzled, so now they can do a yahoo or google search and find their answers like i hoping to but couldn’t, so if there’s a perfect blue fan out there who completely understands the story could you kindly answer these questions:
1. Did Mima really dress up as a pizza boy and kill that man (think he was the photographer or something)? Or was it Rumi/Mr. Me-Mania/other? I’ve worked out (in my own mind) that either he was the only one she killed (or did she kill Me-Mania too with that blow to the head?), or she didn’t kill anyone.
2. So she started believing that she was her TV show character? And she started going crazy, even before the stalking got really bad and everything? I don’t understand why her hallucination turned out to be Rumi. Her insanity didn’t have anything to do with Rumi’s insanity, did it?
3. Was Mr. Me-Mania the murderer of the scriptwriter and the others, or was Rumi the murderer?
4. Who was on the stage with Cham when they were doing their concert (after Mima left Cham)? If it was Rumi, then why did the fans get so excited?
5. Was Me-Mania the writer of Mima’s Room, or was it Rumi? (I think this actually may have been revealed in the film, but I’m not sure.)
6. Did Me-Mania send the fax and the exploding letter? Or was that Rumi in her Mima personality?
7. All those times Mima “woke up,” was she being drugged by Rumi or something? Were any of those scenes before “waking up” real?
Oh, man. I just realized that I actually don’t get a lot of stuff about this movie. I mean, I understand that Mima, Rumi, and Me-Mania were all pretty crazy, but only Mima got a happy ending. And Rumi was pretending to be Mima to Me-Mania online, and Mima kept hallucinating about her former pop idol self, etc. But I just don’t know about some of the details…
Sorry for the long read but there’s still more, now these are some of my questions:
1. Who made the website Mi-mania or Rumi?
Because Rumi was the one who explained what a link was and setup
the computer and connection for Mima, did Rumi purposely set up Mima having her read a very anally accurate (or just freaky) diary description of her every move and even emotion off the web before she started passing out, then was Rumi making new thoughts off of Mima’s consciouses doubts although they haven’t ever been spoken of or even crossed Mima’s mind, unless Mima was hallucinating about the other Mima. Was all this because Rumi tried to get Mima back as a pop idol? Assuming this, why would Rumi have been so anal about Mima being a pop idol instead of an actress, Rumi also always regarded Mima as a pop idol in every discussion about her acting carreer with
the director and writer and never as an actress, like for the rape scene, she cried because she ruined her image as a pop idiol, even though Mima was willing to give that image up for her career as an actress, although yes Mima later had doubts about which way her career was going, and seemed frustrated by the rape scene and nude photographs.
2. Why did Mima keep passing out, and why couldn’t she remember
anything, or was the the stories time-line out of snyc and not in chronological order?
3. Why did Mima have a dream that she was the one who killed the photographer? Its hard to imagine she had dreamt of killing the photographer the night he died, that’s a little out of the ordinary, some paranormal influences in the movie should i assume? Or did she dream this after the photographers death was known to her, that Rumi set up the bloody shirt in Mima’s room.
4. When did Mima’s room change. Who changed it, Rumi?
Mima mentioned the Rumi hadn’t visited in so long once, and Rumi replied that she visited just yesterday. What the hell was that all about? Did Rumi accidentaly reveal that she was there the day before without Mima even noticing, or was Mima under the pressure and lost in thought not knowing who she was unware of her surroundings, losing memory, was Mima going insane?
5. I wasn’t fully alert through whole movie, but at first I thought that Rumi was Mima’s mother, then manager, and then unsure because of how much control she had over Mima, she also argued that Mima by becoming an actress would through away years of training of her singing lessons. Which leads to asking why Rumi had a disorder thinking she was really Mima, and then trying to kill the real Mima. Was she upset with Mima becaus of the career change and ruing of image?
7. Just before the part that Mima called the leading actress ( sorry don’t know the leading actresses real
Best answer:
Answer by Anna N
Yes to all of the above………
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