Q&A: Professional opinions… Do you believe the teenagers have so much influence on violent behavior by media?
Question by Popocatepetl: Professional opinions… Do you believe the teenagers have so much influence on violent behavior by media?
What do you think about the movies, series, or even cartoons that show so much violence and so much competition?
Is it really making the youngest generations a lot more violent?
Best answer:
Answer by glistam3
Strangely enough studies are starting to come out that show that kids who are already violent/disturbed play violent games or watch violent shows. Furthermore, media may not being getting more violent, but rather it’s depiction has simply become much more realistic and visceral. Even in the 16th century, there were novels that had horrific content, so things truly haven’t changed much.
The family and interactions with live people has a much more powerful influence on behavior than any movie or game could ever equal. A violent household is a breeding ground for such behavior, whether it be spanking children, parents or older siblings hitting each other, or witnessing crime.
That’s not to say young children cannot still be traumatized by violent media, but this tends to be more PTSD type problems rather than acting out.
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